The site of La Ciotat offers many advantages and is also appreciated by the crews who come here. But that’s no reason to rest on our laurels. This is the objective of the “Welcome 2022” project, which will be implemented in the coming months. It consists of developing a comprehensive strategy in order to satisfy the expressed needs.
" Just like home "
The objectives of ``Welcome 2022``?
Two major objectives emerged already: the improvement of transportation, including clean and eco-friendly means of transport on one hand, and harbor security on the other hand, with work to be done toward a ISPS certification.
Towards these fundamental aspects, various investments will be added to facilitate life in the shipyard, by improving infrastructure and providing more services.

``Welcome 2022`` in detail:

A fluid circulation plan within the shipyard will be established to facilitate traveling to the site and to the city.

Strengthening surveillance and security on the harbor site, without overly complicating much the lives of users of the site. Discussions are ongoing with State authorities and the Police to improve interventions on the site and study the possibility of a ISPS certification in some areas.

Enhancement of living quarters for the crews
Sports facility, BBQ area, La Ciotat Shipyards will create facilities that will allow the crews to enjoy their stay on the site.

Increasing the level of service
Upgrade work on the infrastructure of the docks in the industrial site as well as in the Old Port is planned. Among the most notable improvements, yachts afloat or ashore will have access to a secure and very high-speed internet connection through a fibre-optic network as of september 2018.
La Ciotat Shipyards is open to feedback!
Improving the site of La Ciotat Shipyards is a collaborative project.
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